Overview This is a series of robots that uses three wheels to drive over almost any terrain. Works on any interior and exterior surface. This robot uses Android technology. This…
Overview This is a series of robots that uses three wheels to drive over almost any terrain. Works on any interior and exterior surface. This robot uses Android technology. This…
The project aims to design an “Exam Room Guide” by which students can be guided for exams based on the confusion system. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) card readers provide a…
Introduction What is thermal camera Thermal imaging cameras are devices that translate thermal energy (heat) into visible light in order to analyze a particular object or scene. The image produced…
Introduction: In this tutorial, I am going to explain about sending sensor values to the thing speak server. ThingSpeak is an open-source server, so users just need to sign up…
Introduction: MQ 2 or MQ6 is Gas leakage sensor which consists of 4 pins. This module is used to detect the gases like butane, propane and LPG. VCC – 5v…
Introduction: DHT 11 is a sensor which gives the temperature and humidity of the air molecules. It is a 3-pin Module. VCC – 5v D0 – digital out (sensor values…
Introduction: IR sensor module will have 3pins VCC, GND and D0 respectively. VCC – +5V DC GND – Ground D0 – Digital Out Requirements: Arduino UNO – 1 IR Module…
Interfacing Ultrasonic sensor with Arduino UNO HC-SR04 As show in the figure HC-SR04 is an ultrasonic sensor. It is an 4pin module consists of Vcc, Trig, Echo and GND. Module…
Led Blinking: We will see blinking an normal dc led with arduino. Requiremnts: Arduino UNO Board – 1 No. LED – 1 No. Potentiometer – 1 No. Breadboard – 1…
In Arduino, we can do coding in C and C++ languages. We will discuss how can code in C++ language and some basic predefined functions in Arduino Code structure will…