VLSI career

VLSI (Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits) is an industry which deals with the IC level systems. This industry creates an IC by combining millions of MoS transistors on a single wafer.

In this Industry there are many designations to choose.

  1. Designing Team (RTL Design)
  2. Verification Team
  3. Synthesis Team
  4. DFT Team
  5. Physical Design Team
  6. Layout Team (Analog & Digital)

Digital Electronics is the basic knowledge to Enter into any one of the field.

Designing Team: Is responsible to create design using Verilog code according to the specifications given. Should have the knowledge in Digital Electronics, Verilog, System verilog.

Synthesis Team: Responsible to convert the verilog code into hardware level design. Should have strong knowledge in Digital design, Verilog coding.

DFT Team: It means Design for Testing. The converted hardware level design will be tested by introducing extra flipflops and mux. Digital design and any scripting knowledge is required.

PD Team (Physical design team): Responsible for placing and routing of hardware on a chip. Also checks for Timing delays. Some companies have STA(Static Timing Analysis) team seperately to check the timing related constraints. Knowledge on Digital Electronics, CMOS technology, STA is must.

Layout Team: It has two categories 1. Analog layout, 2. Digital layout.

1.Analog layout team focus on analog components which are required on the chip eg: PLL.

2.Digital Layout team focus on creating layout design(stick diagram) from the hardware design. Develops mask, which helps in manufacturing the IC.

Verification team: Works parallelly with all the teams. This team has to ensure that the functionality of the design is as per the specifications after every step by creating testbench and test cases. GLS(Gate Level Simulatioin) verificatoin also included in this. Knowledge on Digital electronics, Verilog, System verilog, UVM(Universal Verification Methodology), and any other scripting language is required.

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